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He is moving northwards towards Poitiers to confront the Franks under Charles Martel and then overrun Rome and Constantinople and reach Damascus, the capital of the Islamic Empire. Enhardi par son succès, Abd al-Rahman reprend les raids vers les Royaumes francs, en Aquitaine et remontant la vallée du Rhône, il mène des excursions jusqu'en Bourgogne. - 732) Arab historiography does not give to this Muslim leader a large space, except to recognize him qualities in universally human and Government. Abd al-Rahman was the founder of the Emirate of Cordoba and ruled as Abd al-Rahman I from 756-788 CE. ‘Abd / ‘Ubayd All ā h al-G ā fiq Ī al-‘Akk Ī (Abderraman, Abderahman iben Abdalla, Abderrahame Alfaque de las crónicas latinas). Mientras Abd al-Rahman ibn Abdallah conseguía importantes riquezas, ... Ambos ejércitos se encontraron a unos veinte kilómetros de la ciudad de Poitiers, en la confluencia de los ríos Vienne y Clain, concretamente en la antigua calzada romana que unía las ciudades de Poitiers y Tours. Ten years after the Arab conquest of Spain in 711AD, Emir Abd al-Rahman Governor of Spain, conquered and became Governor of southern France. ... Yusuf ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri, llegó a acuerdos con varias ciudades de la zona para defenderse contra las intromisiones de Carlos Martel, que se había expandido hacia el sur brutal y sistemáticamente a fin de ampliar sus dominios. ‘ABD AL-RA Ḥ M Ā N B. Ten years after the Arab conquest of Spain in 711AD, Emir Abd al-Rahman Governor of Spain, conquered and became Governor of southern France. The last couple of years have seen an unsurprising resurgence in attacks on any ‘politically correct’ view of the early Middle Ages which affords Islam a positive role. The bloody defeat of the army of Abd al-Rahman has certainly convinced the Umayyad rulers that cannot expand the boundaries of their empire over the Pyrenees, but the confrontations between Franks and Muslims did not finished until Franks conquered the outpost from which radiated all Arab expeditions aimed at Europe, namely Narbonne. Tag: ‘Abd al-Rahman Polemics and Poitiers. Ten years after the Arab conquest of Spain in 711AD, Emir Abd al-Rahman Governor of Spain, conquered and became Governor of southern France. ‘ABD ALL Ā H AL-G Ā FIQ Ī.?, 662 – Poitiers (Francia), 732. The battle of Poitiers : Charles Martel and Abd al-Rahman.

The battle of Poitiers is described by the German historiography as one of the most exciting war events ever happened in history. Que sait-on vraiment de l'affrontement qui a opposé les troupes franques de Charles Martel aux armées mauresques d'Abd al-Rahman en 732 ? Batalla de Poitiers, 732. October 6, 2013 May 27, 2015 jamespalmer2012 1 Comment.

Tag: ‘Abd al-Rahman Polemics and Poitiers. It is the year 732 AD. October 6, 2013 May 27, 2015 jamespalmer2012 1 Comment. Enquête. Other articles where ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ghafiqi is discussed: Battle of Tours: The clash near Poitiers: That same year, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ghafiqi, the Muslim governor of Córdoba, launched a punitive expedition against Munusa. As one of the lone survivors of the Umayyad Dynasty after the Abbasids defeated the Umayyad Caliphate, Abd al-Rahman bridged the Umayyad Caliphate and the Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba in Spain. PODCAST. Charles de Steuben 's Bataille de Poitiers en octobre 732 romantically depicts a triumphant Charles Martel (mounted) facing Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi (right) at the Battle of Tours. Pues porque la tropa sabía que era bastante generoso en el reparto de los botines obtenidos.