tertullianus vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Frans Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Praesenti tibi maturos largimur honores,Jurandasq. Chrys. ; de Scripturis sanctis, vel deproprio Ingenio potest, provocatur in medium Deo canere. Bochar. Whereas wecould in a night's time with links and firebrands in our hands have. Quippe tenet sudans hanc Publicus, et sibi Consul.Ne placeat, curru Servus portatur eodem. etc. But would you know the true reason of such judgments, youmust know that mankind has always served God very ill; first bya stupid neglect of Him ; for when they might have understood thedivine nature in some measure, they would not pursue after it withtheir understanding, but let their vain imaginations go after godsof their own invention ; and secondly, because that when God hadbeen at the expense of revelation, they would not be at the pains ofinquiring after it, nor be ruled by that Master He had sent to teachthem righteousness ; and to take vengeance on their sins, God gavethem over to a reprobate mind to work all uncleanness with greedi- ness. vii.—. Vid. THAT THE FANCY OF MAKING GODS OF DEAD MEN IS A VERY And then this phrase de Pectore can argue nothingagainst set forms in public prayers. But had kingdoms been at Jove's disposal, Jove surely hadnever suffered his own Crete to have come under the Roman rod ;unmindful of the Idean cave and the never-to-be-forgotten noise theCorybantes made to drown his infant cries, and of the agreeablesweets of his fragrant nurse the Goat Amaithsea. and the earth quakes ; if famine or pestilence take their marches That it was the hard fate of the Christians to be continually charged as the causeof all the public calamities, we find by St. Cypr. Butthen he supposes withal that this extraordinary gift ceased soon after, and thatliturgies came into practice long before the time of St. Here But forasmuch as men of corrupted minds have always a burninghatred to truth, so her strictest followers must expect to meet withthe severest usage; but he who adulterates truth will be sure tohave the thanks of her enemies for his service. Consider what you were e9pta_ kai\ deka&th| tou~ Marti/on methllacen. As SPIonic font, free from here. Eccl., and so instructed his scholars in theChristian mysteries, as well as the pagan philosophy at the same time. Nor do I wonder tofind the philosophic wits play such foul pranks with the OldTestament, when I find some of the same generation among our- selves who have made as bold with the New, and composed adeadly mixture of gospel and opinion, as the same philosophizingvanity led them; and out of one plain road have cut a world oflabyrinths and inextricable mazes to confound men in the way ofsalvation; which therefore I thought proper to advertise you of,that this noted diversity of opinions among Christians should notjustify a parallel between us and philosophers, and make mencondemn truth itself from the contentions about it. Where now is the wonderful difference in these two cases ? También analiza las reseñas para verificar la fiabilidad. en To my surprise, they all apologized for having manhandled me and for shaving my head against my will. Exercit. 2 141. life. Thus DionCassius of the same emperor says—th~ Shorten my thread of life, good Jove ! their gods. Tertullian's You mayobserve from hence that the Christians of old, as devout and religious as theywere, yet they conversed and traded with the heathen world, were active anddiligent in their secular professions, and refused no calling whatever that wasinnocent in itself and useful to the public ; for had they been never so good, andlived only to God and themselves, in woods and cloisters, they had not beenshining lights, but candles under a bushel. Apology for the Christians,         Praep. Max. Vid. 1 Rom. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for L Apologetique de Tertullien : Apologie du Christianisme (2e Edition) by... at the best online prices at eBay! H. Eccl. favourites of heaven upon the account of their grandeur, is evident from that ofValerius, lib. xiii., de Jure-jurando, Siquis juravent in re pecuniaria perGenium Caesaris, et pejeraverit, etc. They could not but own Christianity to be a moreexalted kind of philosophy, when they saw the Christians live above the verynotions of the philosophers. 2. THROWN UPON THE CHRISTIANS. Whoever has a mind to be more particularly acquainted Whyare we not equalled to those in points of privilege and impunity, towhom we are compared in points of discipline ? i. after all the animals in which all the departed souls from thebeginning have taken up their lodgings. 136         Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. Thenot observing therefore that the admirable discourses of these latter Platonistshad their rise from a Christian master, has been the ground of two scurvymistakes amongst some learned critics, namely, of overvaluing the Platonicphilosophy, as if in their notions of the origin of evil, and the degeneracy of oursouls from their primitive purity, etc., they outdid revelation, though it isevident that their noblest flights took wing from the gospel. I, p. 3. The same disputes we findabout the state of the soul, some contending for it to be of a divineimmortal nature, and others of a nature corruptible; every oneinferring and reforming as the maggot bit. Cur diu laeto non Laureis Postes obumbramus ? THAT KINGDOMS ARE ONLY AT HIS DISPOSE WHO IS THE TRUE When therefore weare called forth to sacrifice, we set conscience before to support usagainst the order, which tells us what kind of beings those arewhich these sacrifices are made to, that are made to the imagesprostituted for worship, and to the consecrated names of men. Augustus, ne Dominum quidem dici se volebat. lib. Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. ii. Tertulian obţinute în dicţionarul română - franceză la Glosbe, dicţionar online, gratis. Bishop Bilson, in his Christian Subject, with greatmodesty says, "This seems to be meant of the miraculous gift of prayer, whichdured in the Church unto his time." Vid. And our author complains notonly here of this tampering with Scripture among Christians, but cries out in hisPrescription against Heretics, cap. CONCERNING THE GOD OF CHRISTIANS, BY WHOM KINGS REIGN, AND THE PRAYERS OF CHRISTIANS FOR THE LIFE OF THE 21. make a way into the pockets of the people. All the primitive Fathers assert the same fact, with the sameassurance. What! Tell me then, which do you take tobe the fullest and completes! Thornd. likewise for the same reason did Orosius at St. Austin's request write his seven Thus, then, while we are stretching forth our hands to our God,let your tormenting irons harrow our flesh; let your gibbets exaltus, or your fires lick up our bodies, or your swords cut off ourheads, or your beasts tread us to earth. 102          They would never, Isay, baulk a lie, in so grand a concern, was it in their power to lie,when a Christian interrogates them in order to give you a proof ofhis religion by their own confession. CONCERNING THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY. They accounted no hazardscomparable to the advantage the world would enjoy by the propagation ofChristian philosophy; they rejoiced that they were accounted worthy to sufferfor the name of Christ. CONCERNING THE CAUSE AND REASON OF PUBLIC CALAMITIES. THAT CHRISTIANS CAN NEVER BE JUSTLY SUSPECTED OF DESIGNS AGAINST THE STATE. Histoire: Apologie du Reverend Pere Chartreux, Contre le P. Faure by Sans... $14.54 Free Shipping. Let us then suppose that one. Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. 100         Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. ;pertinax Deorum indulgentia semper excubuit. according to that of Herodotus inhis Euterpe, 0Ammou~n : with notes [&c.] by W. Reeves.London 1709. Vid. 1 1 Who are you,pray, sir, that pretend to have my will in keeping? Now what is to be done with a man who knows himself in anerror, and yet knowingly dashes upon a rock, that the people may do so too ?who pulls out his own eyes to secure others in darkness; who neither deserveswell of those he permits to wander, nor of himself, whom he associates withpractices he condemns; who makes no use of his wisdom for the regulation ofhis life, but wilfully entangles himself to ensnare others, whom as the wiserperson he was obliged to rescue from error. LET us now consider a little the different treatment of a philosopherand a Christian. Christians. A pickpocket. ga_r Ai0gu&ptioi kaleousi th_n Di/a. TheGrecian bards of old were the instructors of the people, and priests generally aswell as poets ; they travelled much into Egypt and other parts most noted forantiquity and learning; and from thence freighted themselves with ancienttraditions, which they ?et their fancies to work upon, and so hacked and hewedand disguised the originals, that it was hard to say from what country they came.Graecia Mendax was a true motto. And when the martyr was brought before the tribunal, theproconsul charges him to swear by the genius of Caesar, On the contrary, he who expects a real resurrection,and in hopes of this suffers for the word of God, shall pass amongyou for a sot and a madman. Scaliger understands this Machab. CHARGED UPON THE CHRISTIANS. The primitive Christiansat their devotion did not only lift up their hands to heaven, for so we find theheathens did, according to that of Virgil—. When this holy army of supplicants ismet and disposed in godly array, we all send up our prayers forthe life of the emperors,1 for their ministers, for magistrates, forthe good of the State, for the peace of the empire, and for retardingthe final doom. rw Igitabo kizwi cyane kurusha ibindi byose Tertullien yanditse, cyitwa Apology, kikaba kibonwa ko ari kimwe mu bitabo bikomeye birwanirira Ubukristo bwo ku izina. All here is a free- will offering, and all these collections are deposited in a commonbank for charitable uses, not for the support of merry meetings, fordrinking and gormandizing, but for feeding the poor and buryingthe dead, and providing for girls and boys who have neither parentsnor provisions left to support them, for relieving old people wornout in the service of the saints, or those who have suffered byshipwreck, or are condemned to the mines, or islands, or prisons,only for the faith of Christ; these may be said to live upon theirprofession, for while they suffer for professing the name of Christ,they are fed with the collections of His Church. Nunc quoq. Juvenal, speaking in theperson of the people applauding the emperor's happiness upon the overthrow ofhis enemy, says, Pone domi Lauros. But as our law is more perfect in its precepts, so is it morecogent in its penalties; for pray tell me what is the force of human. Issuch a scene of public shame a proper expression of public joy ?And are these becoming practices upon an holy day, which uponany day are abominable? TheLacedaimonian method, of enuring their people to hardiness, is toput them into a course of scourging, and to double their disciplinein the presence of any of their friends, who read the scholars alecture of patience while they are under the lash; and everyscholar carried home a quantity of honour, according to thequantity of blood he left behind him. Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. THAT THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OUGHT NOT TO BE PERSECUTED,                       Moreover, if on onehand they are really gods, why should they be such silly liars as tosay they are devils ? And so Not. Observat. 47, Edit. But with what forehead can men entitle their greatness toreligion, when their greatness stands upon the ruins of religion? Accordingly, philo- sophers affect truth only in appearance, and this affectation putsthem upon corrupting her, for the glorious vanity of a name; butChristians are heartily and violently set upon pure truth, andperform her commands sincerely, as men who have nothing to carefor here, but in order to their salvation hereafter; and thereforeChristians, both in respect of conscience and discipline, notwith- standing your comparison, are very different persons. fwsi\ kai\ stefanw&masi, by illuminationsand coronets of flowers. When Herod and his father perfect fruition of the beatific vision ; they were of opinion that the departed Fencing is that which is here meant, and because freely bestowed,called Munus, and the bestowers of them Munerarii. They wereProbati Seniores, men of age, and publicly approved for their life and conversa- tion. Aquilicia Jovi immolamus. Nay, if mortification is the Christianpleasure, where is the harm to you ? Let a demoniac1 therefore be brought into court, and the. At Athens likewisewhen the Apaturia, or feasts in honour of Bacchus for a serviceablepiece of treachery he did, are to be celebrated, there is a proclama- tion for all the choice cooks to come in and assist at the banquet;and when the kitchen of Serapis smokes, what baskets of provisionscome tumbling in from every quarter! Post aquam manualem et lumina ut quisq. 2 Vérifiez les traductions 'tertullien' en Hébreu. Vid. In allusion to this is thatof St. Jerome, Munerarius Pauperum, et Egentium Candidatus Epist. And if when hurt we must not return the evil,for fear of being like the rest of the world, where shall we find aman to hurt? O true glory, because ofhuman stamp and fashion! But is it any great wonder that such charitable brethren as enjoyall things in common should have such frequent love-feasts ? Quis nisi Romanus Status? Such a system therefore of morality as was notonly perfectly agreeable to right reason, but also of divine indisputable authorityin every point, was wanting to the world before the coming of our Saviour,allowing mere human philosophy as perfect as you please in point of truth.Such a system, I say, was wanting which was not only right in every rule, but ofinfallible wisdom and authority in every precept, and easy and intelligible in allthings necessary to every understanding ; and the gospel, and only the gospel, issuch a system, dictated by divine wisdom, and confirmed by divine authority, bysuch a wisdom as is not subject to error, and by such a power as cannot bedisputed. Unctaq. o3tan ga_r a!rxontej The consequence therefore is undeniable, that the deities youworship are no deities; for if they were, the devils would neverpresume to lay claim to the title of gods, or the gods disclaim it.Since therefore both one and the other concur to the acknowledg- ment of this truth, that the gods in worship are no gods, you mustconfess them to be all of the same kind, that is devils. lib. Epist. 97. say that we look upon ourselves under a necessity to honour theemperor as a person of God's election; so that I may verydeservedly say that we have much the greatest share in Caesar, asbeing made emperor by our God. Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para poder mejorarlos, y para mostrarte anuncios. And praynow, where is the crime to be ambitious of getting into the goodgraces of Caesar only? Corpus sumus de conscientia Religionis, et Disciplinae Unitate. Butsome look upon it as madness, that when we might sacrificeoccasionally, and depart in a whole skin, or without hurting ourconscience, by virtue of an inward reserve to continue firm to our, 1 This page has been accessed by But I have already given an accountof these charities, and therefore only remark here, that according to St. Paul'sorder, the collections were weekly to the time of Justin Martyr, but in the agefollowing, that of Tertullian, we find these offerings sunk to monthly, Menstruadie, etc. THIS I take for a sufficient answer to that article which charges uswith treason against the gods, having demonstrated them to be nogods, and consequently no harm done them. was destroyed. But after all,supposing these hymns to have been extempore, yet it is granted on all handsthat the season of miracles and inspiration was not over in Tertullian's time, andtherefore it is great contempt of authority and presumption in them to pray thesame way, till they can prove they have the same gifts, especially since theyfind all such effusions censured and forbid by the Council of Laodicea alreadycited. This is just thesame almost with what you had in the conclusion of Justin's Apology, and there- fore the same note may serve for both. cap. 98          A few letters of Hebrew have been omitted. 39, how severely that resistance is condemned by St. Paul, andthat condemnation is declared the punishment of it, I am forced to cry out, Oh !what times are we fallen in, in which men dare against the express laws of thegospel defend that practice upon which God hath passed this condemnation—' Ifwhosoever break the least of these commandments, and teach men so to do,shall be called the least in the kingdom of God,' what shall their portion bewho teach men to break one of the greatest of these commandments, such as arethe laws of peace and subjection? lib. iii., has these words—Fidem in Capitoliovicinam Jovi Off. ti/ ga_r e0sti Platwn, h2 Mwsh~j a0ttiki/zwn ; Quid estaliud Plato, quam Moses Attice loquens? OF THE SAME CRIMES THEY CHARGE UPON CHRISTIANS. And he is the rather confirmed in his conjecture,because he knew it to be Plato's custom to wrap up his sublimest notions in fable,for fear of disobliging the fabulous Greeks, who hated the Jews, and who wouldhave themselves pass for the wisest, if not the most ancient people ; and I mayadd, too, that nobody else might know from whence Plato had his notions. Apologize translation in English-French dictionary. v. 44. You may say this is done by magicor some such sophistry, if your eyes and ears will give you leave tosay it; but what can be objected against that which is exposed inits pure naturals, against mere naked truth ? Certainly, say you, the rates for the temple now cometo nothing, and who can brag of any collections for the gods ? Bethinkyourselves now, and examine the gods on every side. Here you have truth shiningfull upon you in her native simplicity, without the colouring ofwords, or any assistance but from her own proper virtue; suspicionitself here will find no entrance. adPammach. 2 vols. And for afurther proof of this difference, consider what was the answer thatThales the prince of naturalists made Croesus, when he was pressedby him plainly to declare his positive notions of the divine nature.Bid not the philosopher put off the prince from time to time withhis " I will consider on it" ? Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. Alexandrian Chronic, And whatshall be said of those (even Churchmen) who, at a time when the Jaws are sharplylooked to, do join in our worship ; but if there be an unbending in these, theynot only withdraw and become thereby a scandal to others, but draw about themdivided meetings ; are not those time-servers? THAT CHRISTIANS HAVE A BETTER RIGHT TO A TOLERATION                                           And in goodtruth nothing is further from our soul than the thoughts of mixingin State affairs, or in any private designs ; for we look upon ourselvesas citizens of the world. The Moors, and Marcomans, and Parthians,which you have lately conquered, or any other people within thebounds of a country, are more numerous perhaps than those whoknow no other bounds than the limits of the world. Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over £20. Evang., where in the fifth chapter, lib. 2 Incensis erepta adytis, Mensaeq. Immortal Juno's arms, and chariot grace ;And here to fix the universal reignThe mighty goddess strove, but strove in vain,By mightier fate o'ercome.1. But we who know we must account to aGod who sees the secrets of all hearts; we who have a prospect ofthat eternal punishment He has in store for the transgressors of Hislaws; we, I say, may well, be looked upon under so much revela- tion, to be the only men who always take innocence in their way;and considering the omniscience of our Law-giver, and that dark- ness and light to Him are both alike, and withal weighing theheaviness of future torment, torment not lasting only, but everlast- ing, we proportion our fear and obedience accordingly, fearing Himwhom those judges ought to be afraid of, who condemn Christiansfor standing more in awe of God than the proconsul. Now this is an error (if it be one) whereinTertullian stands not alone, but in the good company of Papias Bishop ofHierapolis, Irrcneus Bishop of Lyons, Justin Martyr, Nepos, Apollinaris,Victorious, Lactantius, and Severus Gallus, with many others. You look forheaven in the capitol, and gape to the clouds upon the ceiling todissolve in rain, without ever turning your eyes to the true heaven,and applying to the true God, who is the only help in time of need.But then in this great drought, we Christians sympathize with theworld and dry up ourselves as it were with fasting, and are exceed- ingly temperate in all respects, differing the most frugal meals oflife, and rolling in sackcloth and ashes; and in this pitiable posturewe knock aloud for admission of our prayers with as much im- portunity as if we would bring odium upon heaven for denying ourpetition; and when we have, as it were, extorted pity from our Godby the violence of prayer, then, forsooth, your Jove must have thehonour of the grant. Free 2-day shipping. "Between theconclusion of this world and the commencement of the world eternal there is anisthmus or middle term of time." Read "L'Apologétique Apologie du christianisme écrite en l'an 197 après J.-C." by Tertullien available from Rakuten Kobo. Alex. cap. Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. But my business at presentis to justify the Christian supper; and the nature of this supper youmay understand by its name; for it is the Greek word for love. L Apologetique de Tertullien: Apologie Du Christianisme (2e Edition) (Religion) by Tertullien. 3 Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. This I take to be a just character, Socrates excepted, of all the heathenphilosophers; they were traders for fame, and enriched their heads only to filltheir pockets ; they never loved truth well enough to suffer for her, nor wouldplead her cause before the Areopagus or Senate, at the hazard of their lives ; theirnotions were inactive, and lay floating only on their fancies, nor were the peoplenor themselves the better men for their philosophy; Socrates' prison spoiled all.How unlike to this was the carriage of the apostles and their genuine followers !How did they engage in the defence of truth ! p. 486, lib. For, if Imistake not, such a multiplicity of sects is suppressed upon reasonsof State, that the city should not he split into parties, for suchbreaches would let in a general disorder into all your popularelections, councils, courts, assemblies, and public sights, by theambitious clashings of the contending factions; and never morereason to provide against such disorders than now, when the partiesare sure not to want violent hands for any design; if they want notmoney to pay them. But now if a Christianshall affirm that man shall be made man again after death, andCaius rise the very same Caius again, he is in danger of beingmobbed, and having all the sticks and stones in the street presentlyabout his ears. xi. o3dh Du&namij in Justin Martyr already mentioned;but as dark as it is, yet with some men it is as clear as the day for the use ofextempore prayer in Tertullian's time. Non emo capiti coronam—Viderint, qui per capillum odorantur. 128         Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. It can nevertherefore be a politic expedient to cry down doctrines for false andfoolish, which it is every man's interest to presume true; it is uponno account advisable to condemn opinions so serviceable to thepublic. Butthough some of your gods never arrived to the honour of beingkings, yet others who were kings have not had the honour to begods. There is a most bitter .sarcasm implied in these words, Hoc agite, that is," be intent upon your sacrifice, and wrack out the soul of a Christian while it ispraying to God for the life of the emperor; " wherein our author manifestlyalludes to the custom just now mentioned from Plutarch, that while the priestwas sacrificing, the crier or praeco went behind with these words, Hoc age, mindwhat you are about; for thus Plutarch tells us in Coriolano, I shall mention but one Grecian artifice more, which wasby ascribing to some of their own nation what is recorded in the sacred history.Thus the Thessalians make Deucalion to be the person who escaped the flood,and from whom the world was peopled after it; and whoever compares therelation of Deucalion's flood in Apollodorus, Biblioth. It showsit indeed just as much as our lifting up our hands and eyes shows now that wehave no Common Prayer-Book in our Church; but certainly both ministers andpeople being constantly used to one form may have so much memory as to findtime to look off from their books, and look up to heaven at proper seasons. ad Algas.Qu. Thoutherefore that thinkest that the Christian religion expresses noconcern for the life of Caesar, look into the word of God, the wordwe go by, and which we do not suppress in private, and whichmany accidents have thrown into the hands of strangers, and thereyou may see with what superabundant charity we are commandedto love our enemies, to bless them that curse us, to do good tothem that hate us, and to pray for them which despitefully use us,and persecute us, Matt. Amen. to pretend a mighty deal ofreverence to the Scriptures, and then crucify them to their own sense. But allowingour tenets to be as false and groundless presumptions as you wouldhave them, yet I must tell you that they are presumptions the worldcannot be well without; if they are follies, they are follies of greatuse, because the believers of them, who under the dread of eternalpain, and the hope of everlasting pleasure, are under the strongestobligations possible to become the best of men. iv. We Christians then are a corporation or society of men 2 moststrictly united by the same religion, by the same rites of worship. proChristian. A CONTINUATION OF THE UNLIMITED LOVE OF CHRISTIANS. Poor unhappy Juno, wife and sister both to Jove, and yet not amatch for fate ! I shall not here enter intothe necessary qualifications of a perfect rule of faith, and prove such qualificationsto be in Holy Scripture, but observe only, that supposing philosophers to be inthe right, yet all their reasonings were but the reasonings of mere men, andtherefore fallible.