Figure 68: India: Floriculture Market: Major Loose Flower Producing States (in %), 2019 The emergence of modern retail formats has enabled the farmers to directly sell their products to consumers. Figure 65: India: Floriculture Market: Production Volume Of Cut Flowers (In Million Flowers), 2014-2019 Figure 124: India: Bio Agriculture Market: Consumption Volume Breakup (in Metric Tons), 2014-2019 Figure 28: India: Fertilizers Market: Consumption Value Forecast (in Billion INR), 2020-2025 76 G. ETIENNE Evolution de la production agricole (millions de tonnes) 1949- 1960- 1970- 1978- 1983- 1984 1950 1961 1971 1979 1984 1985 Riz 25,1 34,6 42,2 53,8 60,1 58,6     9.4  Degree of Rivalry Figure 136: Indian Agricultural Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Table 1: India: Agriculture Market Definitions Table 91: India: Agriculture Market: Food Products Importing Procedure into India Décrire le doc 5. question 12 p55 Modèle de développement agricole brésilien Passage d'une échelle locale à A/ L’agriculture relève-t … Table 68: India: Seeds Market: Seed Replacement Rate of Various Crops (In %), 2005-2012 6   Insight on Various Subsectors 4. Table 44: India: Food Processing Market: Key Players & Their Product Portfolio Over the past few years, India’s GDP has been growing at a steady pace which has resulted in a rise in the disposable incomes of the consumers. Figure 90: India: Seeds Market: Competitive Landscape, 2019-20     6.6    Cold Chains     6.1    Farming What was the Indian agriculture industry size in 2019?     8.3    Traders and Collectors The transformation of agriculture from subsistence to commercialisation requires investment on the farm along with the use of modern inputs.         6.4.4    Market Forecast Table 14: India: Farming Market Forecast: Consumption Value by Segment (in Billion INR), 2020-2025         6.8.3    Competitive landscape Agriculture commerciale Agriculture dont la production alimente les circuits commerciaux puis les industries agroalimentaires (surtout dans les pays développés).     9.2  Bargaining Power of Buyers Figure 123: India: Bio Agriculture Market: Consumption Value Breakup (In Million INR), 2014-2019 The agriculture industry in India has been segregated into 17 major sectors, including farming, agriculture equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, warehousing, cold chain, food processing, dairy market, floriculture, apiculture, sericulture, seeds, fisheries, poultry, animal husbandry, animal feed, and bio-agriculture. Figure 48: India: Cold Chain Storage Market: Value & Volume Share By Commodity (In %)     6.16    Animal Feed         7.1.3    Abundant Biodiversity and Fertile Land     8.1    Input Suppliers Figure 66: India: Floriculture Market: Major Cut Flower Producing States (in %), 2019 The Indian agriculture industry is expected to reach US$ 99,837 Billion by 2025. Table 8: India: Overview of Various Cropping Seasons     4.2    Key Industry Trends Le secteur emploie près des deux-tiers de la population active (49 % des emplois en 2012), avec un taux de suicide particulièrement élevé. Figure 76: India: Apiculture Market Forecast: Consumption Value (In Million INR), 2020-2025 3.     10.4     Packaging Requirements         6.12.1    Current Market Trends II. Figure 14: India: Farming Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Share By Segment (in %), 2020-2025 Figure 40: India: Warehousing Market: Value Share By Segment, 2014, 2019 & 2025 Julien Bouissou, « L’agri ulture indienne ne parvient pas à répondre à la hausse de la demande », Le Monde, 3. Table 100: Britannia Industries Limited: Key Financials (In INR Million), 2014-2018         6.14.3    Competitive Landscape         11.5.2  Description         6.4.2    Market Breakup by Segment     11.4  Godrej Agrovet Limited Table 2: India: Agriculture Market: Consumption Value by Segment (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Ltd.: Key Financials (In INR Million), 2014-2018 The non-availability of migrant labor is also interrupting harvesting activities, thereby negatively impacting the industry. Figure 32: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Breakup By Segment (in %), 2014-2019     6.5    Warehousing Figure 44: India: Warehousing Market Forecast: Value Share By Segment (In %), 2025         6.3.1    Current Market Trends Table 55: India: Apiculture Market: Consumption Value Breakup of Organized & Unorganized Markets (In INR Million), 2014-2019 Table 77: India: Animal Husbandry Market: Consumption Value by Segment (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 A number of transformations have taken place in this sector over the past few decades. The Indian government is providing subsidies to farmers on water, power, agricultural equipment, fertilizers, hybrid seeds, etc. Table 80: India: Animal Feed Market Segmentation DuPont India Private Ltd., Rallis India Ltd., Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd., Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Nestle India Ltd., Advanta India Limited, Monsanto Company, Parle Products Private Limited, Britannia Industries Ltd., REI Agro Limited., and Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO). Table 101: IFFCO: Key Financials (In INR Million), 2014-2018, Note: We value your privacy and will never rent or sell your email address.     7.4    Threats Table 40: India: Cold Chain Market Forecast: Sales Breakup by Segment, (in Billion INR), 2020-2025     9.3  Bargaining Power of Suppliers Table 51: India: Floriculture Market: Key Players Figure 83: India: Sericulture Market: Export Of Silk Goods (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Table 57: India: Apiculture Market Forecast: Consumption Value by Segment (In Million INR), 2020-2025 Table 49: India: Dairy Market Forecast: Volume Breakup by Segment (In Million Kg), 2020-2025 For further information review our Privacy Policy. - Bière et snacks de millet - Cette agriculture s’appuie sur des exploitations de petite taille, peu Table 31: India: Warehousing Market: Sales Value Breakup by Segment, (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 1.         11.4.3  Financials Table 22: India: Fertilizer Market: Price by Type of Fertilizer (in INR Per Metric Ton), 2014-2019 Table 59: India: Sericulture Market: Breakup of Domestic Production & Imports (in Metric Tons), 2014-2019     9.6  Threat of Substitutes         6.7.3    Competitive Landscape The establishment of rural banking and credit system has also played a pivotal role in the growth of the agriculture industry. Figure 46: India: Cold Chain Market: Installed Capacity (in Million Metric Tons), 2014 - 2019 Organized retail enables the farmers to directly sell their produce to modern organized retail networks, thereby helping them to get a better price as compared to small-scale local vegetable markets.    6.15    Animal Husbandry Aller à la recherche, Télécharger la fiche pays - Inde (PDF, 257.18 Ko). Figure 22: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Figure 106: India: Poultry Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Share By Segment (In %), 2020-2025         11.3.1  Company Overview     8.5    Distributors     7.2    Weakness         6.1.4    Market Forecast Figure 35: India Vs Other Countries: Average Pesticide Usage (In Kg/Hectare) Figure 131: India: GDP Values (In Billion US$): 2014-2019 Pour sa part, la Vice-Première Ministre, Leela Devi Dookun Luchoomun a évoqué l’importance d’éduquer les jeunes et les femmes du rôle et la contribution de la production alimentaire locale. Figure 55: India: Milk Production And Consumption By Volume, 2014-2019 Figure 86: India: Sericulture Market Forecast: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2020-2025 Figure 15: India: Farming Market Forecast: Consumption Value Share By Segment (in %), 2020-2025 L’agriculture commerciale s’oppose à l’agriculture vivrière.     6.14    Poultry Figure 17: India: Share Of Various Sources Providing Power To Agricultural Activities, 2014-2019     6.17    Bio-Agriculture Market         6.10.3    Competitive Landscape C’est aussi une agriculture qui tente de limiter les inégalités sociales …Mais son application concerne surtout les pays du nord. eBook: Environmental law and policy in Cameroon - Towards making Africa the tree of life | Droit et politique de l'environnement au Cameroun - Afin de faire de l'Afrique l'arbre de vie (ISBN 978-3-8487-5260-7) von aus dem Jahr 2018     6.7    Food Processing coauteur d'Agriculture et alimentation de l'Inde (INRA Edi-échanges mondiaux, "les cultures, comme l'horticulture, des-tinées à l'exportation, ont été privilégiées au détriment de l'agriculture vivrière", ajoute M. Dorin. Texte 7. Table 96: Nuziveedu Seeds Limited: Key Financials (In INR Million), 2014-2018 Table 19: India: Relation Between Fertilizer Usage & Food Production         7.3.1    Introduction of Contract Farming     9.1  Overview Figure 95: India: Fisheries Market: State-Wise Fish Production (In %),     5.3    Market Breakup by Sector Table 16: India: Agriculture Industry: Value Chain & Equipments Used De plus en plus présent sur les marchés mondiaux, ce pays est également le 1er exportateur de riz, de viande bovine et d’épices. Figure 41: India: Warehousing Market: Value Share By Segment (in %), 2019 Market Overview: The agriculture industry in India reached a value of INR 56,564 Billion in 2019. Opposition agriculture vivrière – agriculture indus trielle La clé de l'explication de ce désastre alimentaire se trouve dans la destruction de l'agriculture vivrière des sociétés africaines et son remplacement par une économie extravertie spécialisée dans la culture et la production des seuls produits exportables. Table 5: India: Agricultural Market: Consumption Value by Segment (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 95% des exportations et 17% des recettes de l’État. Figure 72: India: Apiculture Market: Consumption Value Share By Segment (In %), 2014-2019 The agriculture industry in India reached a value of INR 56,564 Billion in 2019.         11.11.3  Financials, Figure 1: India: Agriculture: Major Drivers And Challenges     6.4    Pesticides         11.3.2  Description         6.6.3    Competitive Landscape Table 73: India: Poultry Market: Consumption Value Breakup By Segment (in INR Billion), 2014-2019 Du fait de l’augmentation de la demande alimentaire et hydrique, les agriculteurs doivent améliorer et rationaliser leur gestion de l’eau. L’agriculture vivrière et la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique : Doc Faso d'autres familles sont dé babenda, un plat de disette au goût d'épinards fades, constitué d'une Pour Ali Ouedraogo, tout a changé en 1983. Table 98: Nestle India Limited: Key Financials (In INR Million), 2014-2018         7.3.2    Growth of Organized Food Retail Figure 7: India: Farming Market: Production Value (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 agriculture durable = agriculture qui ne dégrade pas l’environnement pour permettre aux générations futures de continuer à produire leurs besoins alimentaires. Mission Indagri du 4 au 17 juin dans le Nord de l'Inde ( Dehli puis état d'Uttarakhand) La mission a notamment pour objectifs de : - Développer des partenariats avec d’autres départements de l’Université Govind Ballabh Pant d’Agriculture et Technologie de Pantnagar dans l’Etat de l’Uttarakhand (au nord de l’Inde, contrefort de l’Himalaya) Figure 62: India: Floriculture Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR),         6.8.1    Current Market Trends         2.3.1    Primary Sources         6.14.1    Current Market Trends Apply to Paid Intern, Crew Member, Salon Receptionist and more! Figure 73: India: Apiculture Market: Consumption Volume Breakup Of Organized & Unorganized Markets (in %), 2019 Les trajectoires de développement de l’agriculture africaine au cours des 30 dernières années Contrairement à ce qui est couramment admis, la production agri-     11.5     Nestle India Limited Figure 69: India: Floriculture Market Forecast: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2020-2025     10.1     Major Laws Governing Food Products 4   Introduction Figure 25: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value Share By Segment (in %), 2014-2019         11.4.2  Description         11.8.1  Company Overview Table 12: India: Organized Food Retailers: Total Number of Outlets & Retail Space, 2007-08, 2008-09 & 2017-18 Table 33: India: Cold Chain Market: Sales Breakup by Segment (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Exercice n°1 Exercice n°2. Table 71: India: Fisheries Market: Key Players has been reduced. These include - rising penetration of the organized sector, growth in contract farming, agriculture becoming more mechanized, easy loan facilities, rise of exports, use of agrochemicals and high yielding seeds, and an increasing role of the private sector in processing, branding and marketing, etc. Mais l’agriculture consomme environ 70 % des prélèvements d’eau douce à l’échelle mondiale (45 % dans les pays de l’OCDE). 1. L'agriculture africaine n'a cessé de croître, triplant en valeur durant les dernières années ; cela s’est fait essentiellement par l'extension des superficies consacrées à la production vivrière. It has enabled farmers to invest more in advanced agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities, quality seeds, equipment’s, fertilizers, warehousing, cold storage, etc. Figure 109: India: Animal Husbandry Market: Consumption Value Share By Segment (In %), 2014-2019         11.5.3  Financials Si la part de l’agriculture dans le PIB est en baisse, passant de 30 % en 1990-91 à 17 % en 2015-16, l’agriculture demeure le premier employeur du pays (55 % des actifs, soit 263 millions de travailleurs indiens).     5.2    Impact of COVID-19 Figure 129: India: Population (In Billion), 2011 and 2019 Table 83: India: Animal Feed Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (In Million Tons), 2020-2025     8.8    End Users Figure 42: India: Warehousing Market: Competitive Structure (In %) Agriculture vivrière : Agriculture qui a pour objectif de satisfaire les besoins alimentaires des populations locales.         6.5.1    Current Market Trends Figure 37: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Value Forecast (In Billion INR), 2020-2025 Figure 127: India:  Bio Agriculture Market: Consumption Volume Breakup (in Metric Tons), 2020-2025 Figure 43: India: Warehousing Market Forecast: Sales Value (In Billion INR), 2020-2025 En 2013, l’Inde a adopté la loi Food Security Act, le plus grand programme de distribution alimentaire au monde, bénéficiant à près de 820 millions d’individus. Figure 94: India: Fisheries Market: Production Volume Share By Segment Figure 102: India: Poultry Market: Breakup By Sector (in %), 2019         6.17.2    Market Breakup by Segment     5.1    Market Trends     10.7     Strategies for Market Entry Aller à la navigation Moreover, both state and central government often waive off loans given to farmers.         11.9.1  Company Overview Depuis une vingtaine d'années en revanche, on observe, du Pakistan à la Chine, une baisse des dépenses publiques dans l'agriculture, l'économie rurale et ses infrastructures.     6.13    Fisheries Figure 122: India: Bio Agriculture Market Segmentation (in %), 2019     6.9    Floriculture 81,321 jobs available in Massachusetts on En quoi l'agriculture vivrière est-elle inégalitaire ? Table 13: India: Farming Market Forecast: Consumption Volume by Segment (in Million Metric Tons), 2020-2025     6.10    Apiculture         7.4.4    Fluctuations in the Price of Raw Materials and Final Products We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Table 94: Dupont Pvt. Table 72: India: Poultry Market: Consumption Volume Breakup By Segment (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2014-2019         6.6.4    Market Forecast Table 60: India: Sericulture Market: Breakup of Domestic Production & Imports (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Figure 77: India: Sericulture Market: Consumption Volume (in Metric Tons), Indian Agriculture Industry: Market Drivers. Figure 39: India: Warehousing Market: Sales Value (In Billion INR), 2014-2019     2.2    Stakeholders         7.2.2    Low Agricultural Yield         6.5.2    Market Breakup by Segment         7.4.1    Climatic Change     8.2    Farmers         6.2.2    Market Breakup by Segment Figure 130: India: Population (In Billion), 2020 and 2025         6.11.1    Current Market Trends Table 15: India: Farming Practices: Past & Current         6.9.1    Current Market Trends Table 67: India: Seeds Market: Top Private Companies Figure 50: India: Cold Chain Market Forecast: Installed Capacity (in Million Metric Tons), 2020-2025         7.2.1    Post-Harvest Losses         6.14.2    Market Breakup by Segment         11.2.2  Description The agriculture industry represents an important component of the Indian economy both in terms of its contribution to the GDP as well as a source of employment to the majority of the country’s population. Table 97: Godrej Agrovet Limited: Key Financials (In INR Million), 2014-2018 Figure 88: India: Seeds Market: Sales Value (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 India is the second-largest populated country accounting for 18% of the total world population. Figure 120: India: Bio Agriculture Market: Consumption Value (In Million INR), 2014-2019 The country encompasses various types of climatic conditions and soil types suitable for cultivating a large number of cereals, fruits, vegetables, flowers, cash crops, etc. What are the major Indian agriculture industry drivers? Figure 78: India: Sericulture Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 It has also increased the consumers purchasing power creating a positive impact on the domestic demand of agriculture products.        7.3.4    Increase in Exports Figure 54: India: Food Processing Market: Sales Value Forecast (in Billion INR), 2020-2025         6.3.2    Market Breakup by Segment Figure 117: India: Animal Feed Market: Consumption Volume (In Million Tons), 2020-2025     6.3    Fertilizers Doc 7b. Figure 80: India: Sericulture Market: Production Value By Segment (In %), 2014-2019 Table 9: India: Farming Market: Segmentation of Various Sectors in The Industry Agriculture vivrière : agriculture qui permet à une famille de se nourrir. 2. 11  Key Player Profiles         7.1.1    Large Consumer Base Table 25: India: Key Fertilizer Companies Figure 10: India: Farming Market: Consumption Volume Share By Segment (in %), 2014-2019         6.13.3    Competitive Landscape     2.1    Objectives of the Study Figure 3: India: Agriculture Market: Consumption Value By Segment (in %), 2019         6.16.2    Market Breakup by Segment Le nord-est de l'Inde, une région reliée par un étroit couloir de 21km au reste du pays, se distingue par ses traditions culturelles et culinaires. Table 64: India: Sericulture Infrastructure & Employment Statistics Figure 9: India: Farming Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Figure 6: India: Farming Market: Production Volume (in Million Metric Tons), 2014-2019 Table 21: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value Breakup by Segment (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 Figure 67: India: Floriculture Market: Production Volume Of Loose Flowers (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2014-2019         11.5.1  Company Overview This new report from IMARC Group entitled “Agriculture Industry in India: Growth and Opportunities” provides an exhaustive insight into the Indian agriculture industry along with its various segments and sub-segments.         11.1.2  Description 8   Value Chain Analysis         6.11.4    Market Forecast Agriculture Industry in India Propelled by Rise in Organised Food Retail. Table 24: India: Fertilizer Market: Installed Production Capacity Breakup by Sector         6.16.4    Market Forecast     10.3     Documentation Figure 107: India: Poultry Market Forecast: Consumption Value Share By Segment (In %), 2020-2025         6.6.1    Current Market Trends         2.4.1    Bottom-Up Approach         6.5.4    Market Forecast L'agriculture vivrière est une agriculture essentiellement tournée vers l'autoconsommation.     2.5    Forecasting Methodology Puissance agricole majeure, l’Inde possède la 2e surface agricole au monde. The emergence of modern retail has also been an important catalyst for the agriculture industry. The increasing adoption of social distancing measures in the country due to the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has led to disruptions in the supply of agricultural products across the country. Figure 5: India: Agriculture Market Forecast: Consumption Value By Segment (in %), 2025 L’Inde se distingue par des droits de douane élevés (pour les produits agricoles, le droit moyen appliqué au stade du dédouanement est de 32,7 % ad valorem) et de nombreuses restrictions à l’importation des produits agricoles et agroalimentaires. Figure 49: India: Cold Chain Market Forecast: Sales Value (In Billion INR), Table 74: India: Poultry Market: Production Volume Breakup by State     11.10  REI Agro Limited Table 87: India: Bio-Agriculture Market: Consumption Volume Breakup (in Metric Tons), 2020-2025 Table 7: India: Growth in Average Yields of Major Crops (In Kg/Hectare) Figure 58: India: Dairy Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2014-2019     6.2    Agriculture Equipments The Government has also exempted agriculture income under the Indian income tax act, meaning income earned from agricultural operations is not taxed. Figure 36: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Forecast (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2020-2025 Si la part de l’agriculture dans le PIB est en baisse, passant de 30 % en 1990-91 à 17 % en 2015-16, l’agriculture demeure le premier employeur du pays (55 % des actifs, soit 263 millions de travailleurs indiens).     11.1     DuPont India Private Limited Table 32: India: Warehousing Market Forecast: Sales Value Breakup by Segment (in Billion INR), 2020-2025 This site uses cookies (including third-party cookies) to record user’s preferences which help us to "A ce moment importe chaque année 300 000 tonnes de … Table 90: India & Other Major Countries: Comparison of Yield in Selected Commodities, (in Metric Tons/Hectare) With the availability of credit, the constraint on certain inputs like seed, fertilizer, pesticides, hired labour, etc. ( India: +91-120-433-0800 ). Table 81: India: Animal Feed Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (In Million Tons), 2014-2019 Figure 26: India: Fertilizer Market: Intensity Of Fertilizer Consumption By Region (in Kg/Hectare), 2014-2019 Figure 98: India: Poultry Market: Consumption Volume (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2014-2019 This report has divided the Agriculture Industry in India into 17 segments and has provided a thorough analysis for each segment such as current and historical market trends, drivers, challenges, market structure, competitive landscape, market forecast, etc. II. Modern retail helps in the elimination of middle men from the distribution chain, thereby providing better remuneration to the farmers. 1   Preface Table 28: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by State (in Metric Tons), 2014-2019 Table 62: India: Sericulture Market: Production Value by Segment (in Billion INR), 2014-2019 6. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to exhibit strong growth during 2020-2025. Table 56: India: Apiculture Market Forecast: Consumption Volume by Segment (in Metric Tons), 2020-2025         6.11.3    Competitive Landscape L’Inde doit nourrir 17 % de la population mondiale avec moins de 4 % des ressources mondiales en eau et 4 % des terres agricoles. Figure 116: India: Animal Feed Market: Consumption Value Breakup By Segment (In Million INR), 2014-2019         6.5.3    Competitive Landscape         6.2.3    Competitive Landscape Il lance ainsi un appel à la population pour qu’elle adopte le jardinage qui contribuera à relancer la culture vivrière locale.         6.9.4    Market Forecast Table 58: India: Apiculture Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Breakup of Organized & Unorganized Markets (in Metric Tons), 2020-2025 Figure 133: India: Share Of Farmers By Land Holdings Size In Hectares (In %), 1995-96, 2000-01 And 2015-16 Figure 110: India: Animal Husbandry Market Forecast: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2020-2025