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Antonio de Pereda y Salgado (c. 1611 – January 30, 1678) was a Spanish Baroque-era painter, best known for his still lifes. Why would one be in Latin and the other in English? Antonio de Pereda, The Knight’s Dream, c. 1650, a memento mori that portrays the waking life of material things as a dream.The angel is holding a banner which reads “Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit”: a slightly cryptic Latin phrase that one could translate as “Eternally it stings, but quickly it …

Antonio de Pereda. que vuelan no ya a mediodía, sino a cualquier hora, Born: Antonio de Pereda y Salgado. On a banner in a painting, there is a Latin phrase 'Aeterne pungit cito volat et occidit'.

Since AD stands for Latin initals, does BC stand for Latin also? "Eternally it stings, swiftly it flies and it kills." The Knight's Dream by Antonio de Pereda. why not try doing it yourself? The Knight's Dream-Oil on wood, 152 x 217 cm Museo de la Real Academia de San Fernando, Madrid: The repertoire of objects in a vanitas still-life is confined to external power symbols: crowns - including the papal tiara and mitres, as well as kingly crowns - and a knight's armour were always part of such still-lifes, as was the globe as a symbol of worldwide expansion and a craving for conquests. On the banner: Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit. Il tient une bannière sur laquelle est écrit « Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit » c'est-à-dire « la gloire des hauts faits doit s'envoler comme un rêve ». The Knight's Dream by Antonio de Pereda. y es risueño el ángel que, más que velarle, le avisa de esas flechas del miedo. The Knight's Dream by Antonio de Pereda. Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit Antonio de Pereda, El sueño del caballero.
"Eternally it stings, swiftly it flies and it kills." it’s the one with the ending different from any of the others.

Can anyone translate this phrase from Spanish to English, and name the famous novel that begins with the line, "Habia una vez y una vez muy buena era cuando venia una vaca caminando por el camino"?

Obras De Arte Arte Barroca Ideias Para Pintura Estilo Barroco Óleo Sobre Lienzo …

Posted in 3D. “Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit”... de/di Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz (trad.

a) This sounds like your latin homework! Empress Elisabeth of Austria Sissi Queen of Hungary Vanitas "Eternally it stings, swiftly it flies and it kills." Le contenu du rêve du jeune homme se situe à droite du tableau, posé sur une table, et entouré de ténèbres comme le reste. The phrase above shows the Angel says: Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit. On the banner: Aeterne pungit, cito volat et occidit. This artwork has been painted with pastel on 100% cotton Fabriano paper.