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Masters of Science - National Acreditation. You will leave the course with a strong understanding in: Managing innovation and change; Motivating and leading people; Developing strategies for national and global markets Depending of your background you can enter in the 1st year of the MSc or directly in the 2nd year. IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire. The 27th Master in Management cohort is sponsored by Loïc Henaff, Head of the Hénaff Group and President of "Produit en Bretagne". Career. Welcome to Brest Business School (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce). Training duration. Management Masters. The Melbourne Business School's Master of Management will equip you with foundational business training, as well as specialist training in organisational management. Scopri il master in Project Management di RCS Academy dedicato a manager e professionisti e approfondisci tutti gli aspetti della gestione progettuale. The EMBA of Rennes SB in the Financial Time top world ranking. A tu per tu con la nostra Alumna del master Ti aspettiamo alla presentazione online dedicata al nostro Executive Master in Project Management (MPM), in formato part-time, in … Carole-Anne Still 5th-year student at EMBA Business School Master II "Manager of International Business Development - Asian Markets" EMBA (Ecole de Management Bretagne Atlantique) Most programs emphasize methods and ideas from sociology, economics, ecology, and business studies. The Rennes SB EMBA in the top 100 Executives MBA programmes in the world. Programmes. • Customer Experience Management • International Strategy “Winter Session” abroad or in Rennes • Corporate Social Responsibility “Winter Session” abroad or in Rennes. Master i IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire Transport, Optimisation, Logistics, Strategic Management . Average academic cost found without insurance . EMBA Management Ranking. Il Master in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility (MaGER) è un master universitario di respiro internazionale, interamente in lingua inglese, rivolto a studenti e giovani professionisti interessati a costruirsi una carriera professionale in un ambito multidisciplinare, caratterizzato da un crescente interesse da parte delle imprese e delle organizzazioni internazionali. 2 years. Bachelor; Master; PostMaster; Official title: Master of Science and Technologies in Management and Optimization of Supply-Chains and Transport . Master i IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire Strategic Management , Nuclear. It is an interdisciplinary, international degree in the area of resource management. L'Università di Siena in attuazione della legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 in materia di procedimento amministrativo di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi, ha preposto l'Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico a ricevere e inoltrare e seguire in tutti i suoi passaggi, le richieste di accesso agli atti.

UBO University of Western Brittany Brest - UBO - Brest - universite-bretagne-occidentale 2 years. The Master of Management (CEMS) is a 72 credit point degree (three semesters of full time study) pre-experience program. Website.