Paul Deschanel (13. únor 1855, Schaerbeek, Brusel – 28. duben 1922, Paříž) byl francouzský politik a prezident.V roce 1899 byl zvolen jedním ze 40 členů Francouzské akademie.. Prezidentem byl jen od 18. února do 21. září 1920.Krátce po zvolení do úřadu u něj propukla závažná duševní porucha. [37], Thiers and his delegation returned to Bordeaux, and on 28 February, Thiers, sometimes breaking down in tears, read the terms to the Assembly. [30], In the months that followed, Thiers criticized the Emperor's costly and doomed expedition to conquer Mexico. Without consulting with Louis-Philippe, whom he had never met, Thiers immediately had posters printed and put up around Paris declaring that the Duke of Orleans was a friend of the people, and he should take the crown. He returned to Vienna to meet Emperor Franz Joseph, and went to Florence to meet King Victor Emmanuel II, and was kindly received, but received no offers of military support. Gladstone was sympathetic, but explained that Britain would remain neutral. Thiers took his seat as the head of Finance Committee, and leader of the conservative republicans. The speech made him again a leading figure of the opposition; he was cheered by a crowd outside his house when he returned home. Thiers, though he was seventy-four years old, agreed to accept the mission, and offered to visit other capitals as well. Thiers knew Bismarck well and saw clearly what he was doing. When a friend of Louis-Napoleon asked him if he wasn't afraid of losing power without universal suffrage, he replied, "Not at all. Debatable or disputed rulers are in italics. In the debate that followed, fifty members spoke for and against the peace. A carriage took him out of Paris to Saint-Cloud, and soon afterwards he crossed the Channel to exile in England.[24]. He died on July 22, 2009 in Paris, France. His second major work was his enormous History of the Consulate and the Empire, in twenty volumes, published between 1845 and 1862. ), Femmes dans la cit´e (Paris 1997), pp. In 1833 he declared he did not want to be the Joseph Fouché of the regime (the name of Napoleon's chief of the secret police) and became Minister of Trade and Public Works. In 1833, he was nominated for an open seat in the Académie française, based on his ten-volume history of the French Revolution, and other books he had written on the law and public finance, and the 1830 monarchy, and the Congress of Verona. On 26 May, the fighting was centered in Belleville and around the Place du Trône (now Place de la Nation). In appearance, Thiers was very short, barely appearing over the tribune in the Assembly. Mariée et mère de famille, elle ne peut néanmoins pas être aussi proche de lui qu’elle le souhaiterait ! Following the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War, which Thiers opposed, he was elected chief executive of the new French government and negotiated the end of the war. (sheet) | Drawing of a man with a long, pointed... Contributor: Gavarni, Paul Date: 1829; Photo, Print, Drawing Down & Out Club chute 1 drawing : India ink over pencil on bristol board ; 37 x 25 … He persuaded the republicans that he was the least monarchist of the monarchists, and persuaded the monarchists that he was the least republican of the republicans. After it was suppressed, Thiers was brought back into the government as Minister of the Interior. Germany retained only the fortress of Verdun, and the territory of a radius of three kilometers around it. He served as a prime minister in 1836, 1840 and 1848, dedicated the Arc de Triomphe, and arranged the return to France of the remains of Napoleon from Saint-Helena. But the billions we give to Germany now we will never recover." This was also the view of Ledru-Rollin and the socialist deputies. There will be a civil war, a revision of the Charter, and perhaps a change of personnel at the highest level. He returned to the Assembly on 6 November 1863 and took his seat, but found that under Napoleon III the protocol had changed. I did not like this king of the bourgeois, but it doesn't matter. [42], During the dramatic events of the Commune, France was still officially at war with Prussia and then with the new German Empire. The first task assigned by the Assembly was to negotiate an end to the War. There were formerly statues of Thiers in a number of French towns, including Nancy and Saint-Germain-en-Laye, but some were removed in the 1970s and 1980s. He pointed out to Thiers and said: "I will not take away from the illustrious man of state who is before me, whom no one honors more than me, the honor and glory which belongs to him, but which he does not want to claim for himself alone. In the elections of 1869, he was defeated in the election for his seat in Marseille by the republican Gambetta, but, against a candidate backed by Napoleon III, he retained his seat in Paris. His family urged him to remain and fight. The new government was promptly recognized by Britain, Italy, Austria, and Russia. For the first time since 1852, France was once again officially a republic. Salon de 1725. But finally I am a constitutional king, and I have no choice but to go through with it. Hugo was accepted only on the fifth ballot, by a single vote. That day the Commune ordered the execution of thirty-six policemen and ten priests on Rue Haxo. [49], Thiers proposed a new cabinet, but de Broglie and the right wing objected that the new government was not conservative enough. The right wing of the Assembly erupted with insults, calling him a traitor, a fool and worthless old man. Louis-Adolphe Thiers was a French politician and historian. Eh oui, pendant des années, Adolphe Thiers a vécu, au sein d’un même foyer, avec trois femmes ! Adolphe Thiers and Barrot decided to withdraw the troops. Dialogue entre Marat et Robespierre. You have named me the Chef of the Executive Power. The diplomatic corps was in the audience, along with the Thiers family, and Marshal MacMahon, in civilian clothes. De Broglie began the debate, warning that the country needed a firm government of the right because without it the radical party, which had never repudiated the Commune, would win. Guizot found a safe refuge in Paris for some days in the lodging of a humble miniature painter whom he had befriended, and shortly afterwards effected his escape across the Belgian frontier and thence to London, where he arrived on 3 March. On 16 May 1877, Thiers was one of 363 deputies voted no confidence in de Broglie. Adolphe Thiers was born on 15 April 1797, during the rule of the Directorate. He was involved in one minor scandal in the summer of 1835, when he was married, Minister of the Interior and member of the Academie Française. Thiers protested. In the meanwhile, his chief political rival, Guizot, the leader of the right wing in the Deputies, headed the government. 224,000 Parisians voted, while 257,000 abstained. The fortifications begun by Thiers during crisis were eventually finished, and became known as the Thiers wall, which later became (and remain today) the city limits of Paris.[18]. [3] The book was a huge success, selling twenty thousand copies in a few weeks. Thiers drafted the King's annual address to the Chamber of Deputies, adding the line, "France is strongly attached to peace, but it will not purchase peace at a price unworthy of the nation and its King," and would not sacrifice the "sacred independence and national honor which the French Revolution had put into his hands." Thiers considered running, but told Falloux, another Deputy: "If I lost it would be a grave setback for the ideas of order; if I won, I would be obliged to embrace the ideas of the Republic, and, in truth, I am too honest a lad to marry such a bad woman.". Though he stayed in London, was a Swiss citizen he did not campaign, he was overwhelmingly elected in five departments. Francis Leplay, Actor: Marie Antoinette. The primary goal of Thiers in 1873 was to pay off the debt to Germany, to liberate the last French territory occupied by the Germans. Former president of the Republic and former art critic Adolphe Thiers died in 1877. The Assembly, confident of success, ignored Thiers and voted on 19 July to declare war. It was headed by Léon Gambetta and Victor Hugo. We cannot afford to commit another error." Thiers proposed withdrawing the army to Saint-Cloud, gathering his forces, and marching back into Paris with a full army (the strategy he followed in 1871 during the Paris Commune), but Marshal Bugeaud wanted to attack the barricades immediately; he told the King that it would cost twenty thousand lives; the King told Bugeaud that the price was too high, and called off the attack. On 9 December, he was transported to the German border and sent into exile. Under the new Constitution, new elections for the National Assembly were held on 13 May 1849. The guardsmen did not know that Thiers was still in Paris, at the new foreign ministry on the Quai d'Orsay; if they had known he certainly would have been captured and probably killed. The restoration plan was defeated in the Assembly, and de Broglie resigned on 16 May 1874. As he rode by, the regular soldiers cheered the King, but the National Guardsmen called out "Down the Ministers! Mariée et mère de famille, elle ne peut néanmoins pas être aussi proche de lui qu’elle le souhaiterait ! He succumbed to a fatal stroke on 3 September at St. Germain-en-Laye while writing an election manifesto for the republicans. Le diable et une femme (musée de Cluny), vitrail provenant de la Sainte-Chapelle (avant 1248) Daphné poursuivie par Apollon de Coustou Cheveaux de Marly par Coustou New elections for the open seats were held on 4 June, and Thiers was elected in four departments; Seine, Gironde, Orne, and Seine-Inferieure. He did hold receptions and events in the Élysee, travellng back and forth to Paris with a large escort of police. He travelled to Vienna and met with the Chancellor of Austria, then to Saint Petersburg, where he met with the Czar and the Russian prime minister, but he received no support. A majority of the Assembly members supported some form of constitutional monarchy, though they were about equally divided between those who wanted a King from the former Bourbon monarchy, and the Orleanists, who wanted a descendant of Louis-Philippe. He was then introduced to Charles-Guillaume Étienne, the editor of the Le Constitutionnel, the most influential political and literary journal in Paris at the time. The army columns began to disintegrate, as the soldiers joined the demonstrators. [12], In January 1836, the unpopular government of the Duke of Broglie lost its majority in the Chamber of Deputies, and the King needed a new Prime Minister. We're lost." Thiers responded, "I find this war extremely imprudent. The right wing of the Assembly became alarmed that the country was moving too far to the left and decided it was time to get rid of Thiers. "[16], As President of the Council or Prime Minister, Thiers kept for himself the title of Foreign Minister. Cette triple relation, connue de tous et souvent raillée dans la presse, se poursuivra jusqu’à la mort d’Euridyce Dosne, la mère, en 1869. [13]. All were given amnesty in 1879 and 1880, and allowed to return home. [39]. Thiers was just one example of 19th century French writers who also had prominent political careers. When the Assembly is hanging over the precipice, I will cut the cord."[28]. His father was a businessman and occasional government official under Napoleon, who frequently was in trouble with the law. During one debate a member of the government claimed that the Assembly, not Thiers, was responsible for liberating French territory from the Germans. Early in the morning of 24 February, Thiers arrived at the Tuileries and met with the King, who was in despair. [31], On economic policy, he was relentlessly conservative; he called for protectionism to defend French industry, and condemned the high cost of Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann's rebuilding of Paris, which had reached 461 million francs. They had formed a secret organization, the Societé des Saisons, with about fifteen thousand members. [65], Another historian, Maxime du Camp wrote after Thiers' funeral: "Certainly people laughed at his contradictions, and during his lifetime he was not spared mockery, but he continued to be respected, because he passionately loved France. It praised the principles, leaders and accomplishments of the 1789 Revolution (though not the later Terror), and condemned the monarchy, aristocracy and clergy for their inability to change. Mieux, ses « trois moitiés » comme la presse aimait à les appeler, n’étaient pas seulement issues de la même famille, elles étaient surtout mère et filles. On this point, he was truly a bourgeois of the 19th century, insensible to the miseries of the working class and not hesitant to open fire on the masses when the public order was threatened. Thiers was encouraged to re-enter political life by his friends, and by a new acquaintance, the Prussian ambassador to Paris, Otto von Bismarck. Six weeks later, on 15 April 1797, Marie-Joseph-Louis-Adolphe Thiers was born to Marie-Madeleine Amic, one of his father's mistresses. Louis-Napoleon, the nephew of the Emperor, had landed at Boulogne with a small force of soldiers, and had tried to spark an uprising by the army to overthrow Louis-Philippe. Sade Textes relatifs a la Revolution de 1789. … To him belongs the glory of having brought an end to the German occupation, and to have given to a humiliated France the desire to live again. Only in Paris was the coup unpopular; only 133,000 of 300,000 voters approved the coup. As the day advanced, the demonstrators raised more barricades and confronted the army. "But where are they?" [35]. Thiers further won the support of the middle class and businessmen by opposing a proposed income tax, which he declared was entirely arbitrary, "inspired by political hatreds and passions." Thiers was responsible for the construction of Napoleon's tomb at Les Invalides, and for the completion of the column on Place Vendôme and the Arc de Triomphe, both of which he dedicated. Thiers returned to France, convinced that government would have to negotiate an end to the war. Both the candidate of the monarchists and the moderate republican candidate supported by Thiers was defeated by a more radical republican named Barodet, who was supported by Léon Gambetta and the left wing of the republicans. Rather than making Paris a battlefield again, Thiers preferred using the money to add more soldiers to the army. It is only these which we have to guard against." When Thiers arrived in Paris on 31 October 1870, the situation was extremely tense. Her husband provided important financial support to Thiers throughout his political career. He chose to be deputy for Seine-Inferieure. As the King's unpopularity grew, he suffered also a personal tragedy with great political implications; his son, the heir to the throne, was killed in an accident. He had several children from his mistresses, but had no contact with Adolphe, who was raised entirely by his mother. He soon collected and published a volume of his articles, the first on the salon of 1822, the second on his trip to the Pyrenees. 43,522 alleged Communards and Commune supporters, including 819 women, were captured and taken to Versailles for trial by military courts. Rather than making the request public, he wrote to a personal English friend, Lord Clarendon, who was a member of the British government, saying: "to keep a cadaver as a prisoner is not worthy of you, nor is it possible on the part of a government such as yours. Thiers and the other conservative leaders of the Assembly also rebelled against the high cost of Louis-Napoleon's household; he requested 175 new staff for the Palace, and asked funding for an additional twenty grand dinners and twelve grand balls a year. France still owed three billion francs, more than the national budget, with final payment due in August 1875. Thiers crossed the lines again and met Bismarck. Thiers was uncomfortable with this way of speaking, and his first few speeches were failures, but he soon mastered the form. He told the other French delegates, "If we lose one or two provinces it is not of great importance. He also demonstrated his visceral attachment to private property and other liberal capitalist institutions, by taking the lead in the … The Commune soldiers set up a new defensive line on 25 May and the fighting intensified. They both were admitted to the bar in 1818, and Thiers made a precarious living as a lawyer for three years. Michelet Les Femmes de la Revolution. He went first to Rome, where his friend Ingres, the Director of the Villa Medicis, gave him a tour of the monuments, then to Florence, where he had the idea of writing a history of that city. Out of office, he traveled in Italy. A few days later, Pierre-Louis disappeared, without leaving an address. The meeting between Bismarck and Favre took place 18–20 September at the Rothschild estate at Ferrières, near Paris. Despite his opposition, the measure was passed by the conservative government. The Guard had also been outraged by the Prussian victory march on the Champs Élysées; they demanded that the war continue. A carriage took Thiers to Mazas Prison. A debate and vote of confidence in his government was scheduled for 23 May. The socialist deputies who had taken part were expelled from the Assembly, leaving open seats. Laws are born from this principle, and a civilized society. He was elected to the new French Senate as the representative of the city of Belfort, which he had refused to cede to Germany, but he preferred to sit in the Assembly, and, after the dissolution of the old Assembly in 1876, in the new Chamber of Deputies, In his last parliament session, he found himself on the side of the republicans against the monarchist government. Adolphe Thiers Histoire d la Revolution. Special tribunals were set up to judge the republican opponents of the new regime; 5,000 were confined to house arrest, almost ten thousand were deported to prison camps in Algeria, and 240 were sent to camps in Guyana. "Posterity is merciless", he said, "to governments and ministers who by weakness surrender to the enemy the laws and societies they are charged to defend." He was also a notable literary figure, the author of a very successful ten-volume history of the French Revolution (Histoire de la Révolution française) and a twenty-volume history of the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte (Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire). [57], Not long after he arrived in Paris, Thiers met Eurydice Dosne, the wife of a wealthy businessman and real estate speculator. "[19] A proposal to make a larger number of citizens eligible to vote was rejected by Guizot and his government: Guizot declared to the Chamber, "the day will not come for universal suffrage. Under the new rules of the Assembly, Thiers, as President, was not allowed to respond directly on the floor of the Assembly. That evening Thiers told a friend, the Deputy Buffet, "I know the state of the military in France and that in Germany. Antonyms for Adolphine. Blocked by the National Assembly, Louis-Napoleon decided to take a different route. He made agreements with the major fifty-five banks of Europe, and issued bonds which, based on the good credit of France, brought in more than the amount required. He stayed out of politics. France was predominantly rural, religious and conservative, and the National Assembly reflected this. The same day, the Assembly voted to replace Thiers with Marshal MacMahon. Thiers attended all official events accompanied by both his wife and his mother-in-law, whom he called "My ladies" (Mes Dames). ... Thiers was consistent only in his greed for wealth and his hatred of the men that produce it."[62]. Thiers had been considered a leftist republican in the government of Louis-Philippe, but after the political earthquake of the 1848 revolution and the influx of new deputies, he appeared relatively conservative. A seat for Aix-en-Provence in the chamber of deputies was vacant. In 1868–1869 he published Portraits de femmes. but Thiers still had a strong following in the chamber. While Thiers assembled his forces, including French soldiers just released from the German prison camps, Parisians elected a radical republican and socialist city government on 26 March: the Paris Commune. At the age of seventy-four, he was named President of the Republic by the French National Assembly in August 1871. Favre rejected the proposal, declaring, "not an inch of our territory, not a stone of our fortresses." He wrote to his friend Teulon, "I am without fortune, without status, and without any hope of having either here." mouvement des armees en aout et septembre 1793.—investissement de lyon par l'armee de la convention.—trahison de toulon qui se livre aux anglais.—defaite de quarante mille vendeens a lucon.—plan general de campagne contre la vendee.—divisions des … He came to live at the castle of Bois-Monbourcher in Anjou at Chambellay from 1880 to the death of his mother in 1899. According to historian Adolphe Thiers, the President of the Paris Commune, Pierre Gaspard Chaumette, gave a speech to the city on 14 October 1793 … One feels that before you entered the world of great affairs, you traversed that of great ideas. The appearance of the Count of Chambord provoked a political crisis, which worked to the advantage of Thiers. [2], He wrote about politics, art, literature, and history. Thousands more Commune participants, including a majority of the members of the Commune council, escaped to exile. Thiers dedicated the monument on 29 July 1836. He and several ministers of government officials had very rowdy party at the Chateau of Grandvaux, outside Paris. Michelet was the son of a Down with the system!" Napoleon III (Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte; 20 April 1808 – 9 January 1873), the nephew of Napoleon I, was the first president of France, from 1848 to 1852, and the last French monarch, from 1852 to 1870.First elected president of the Second French Republic in 1848, he seized power by force in 1851, when he could not constitutionally be re-elected, and became the Emperor of … His enemies claimed that his new wife was his own daughter, but Elise was born while Thiers was still a law student in Aix-en-Provence. The left opposition declared that they would hold an enormous banquet on the Place de la Madeleine on 22 February. You have been forced upon me. [32]. The French army, led by Napoleon III in person, had a superb cavalry, but the Germans had superior artillery and leadership. Predominantly working class, most members depended on the 1.5 francs a day they were paid. The French forces inside Paris made unsuccessful efforts to break the German siege, while the German army advanced through the Loire Valley, and the Government of National Defense, along with Thiers, was forced to move to Bordeaux. His grandfather, Louis-Charles Thiers, was an attorney in Aix-en-Provence, who moved to Marseille to become the guardian of the city archives, and secretary-general of the city administration, though he lost that post during the French Revolution. A small street and square in the 16th arrondissement in Paris are named for Thiers. The fighting continued through 28 May, until the capture of Père Lachaise cemetery and the city hall of the 11th arrondissement. Shops in Paris were closed, buildings were covered with black crepe. Thiers felt he had little choice but to accept. In 1871 he described Thiers as follows: "Thiers, that monstrous gnome, has charmed the French bourgeoisie for almost half a century, because he is the most consummate intellectual expression of their own class corruption. The demonstrations resumed on 23 February, under a freezing rain. The King remained calm, telling his sister, "The Parisians never make a Revolution in the winter, and they won't overthrow the Monarchy for a banquet." The socialists were impatient with the slow pace of change; led by Ledru-Rollin, they staged an uprising in Paris, which was quickly suppressed by the army. Thiers was a key figure in the July Revolution of 1830, which overthrew the Bourbon monarchy, and the French Revolution of 1848, which established the Second French Republic. He is an actor, known for Marie Antoinette (2006), Spiral (2005) and Farewell, My Queen (2012). Thiers wrote late in his memoirs that he would have preferred a constitutional monarchy, but he knew it was impossible at that moment, given the strong majority of republicans, and supporting a monarchy would have been "a violation of my duties toward France; I had as my mission to pacify and to prevent the conflicts of parties." The guardsmen stopped their assault, and gave the parliament members a petition demanding reforms. As 1852 approached, Thiers looked forward to the end of the term of Louis-Napoleon; under the Constitution, he could not run again. Austria is defeated, Italy is looking for adventure, England wants to avoid the Continent, Russia is occupied with its own interests, and as far as Spain is concerned, never have the Pyrenees been so high. On 24 May the Archbishop of Paris and many of the hostage priests were taken out and shot. Louis-Napoleon offered the position of President of the Council of Ministers to Thiers, but Thiers refused. In the summer of 1852, Louis-Napoleon decided that he was no longer a threat, and on 20 August 1852 he was allowed to return to Paris. The King slowly wrote out and signed his act of abdication, changed from his uniform into civilian clothes, and left through the gardens of the Tuileries. Il n’y a pas à dire, les présidents de la République française savent faire dans l’originalité en ce qui concerne leur vie privée.